TO EXCUTE TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT AND KEEP ENHANCING PRODUCT YIELD RATE. To guarantee quality and quantity is the highest principle of goods production. 推行全面品保制度,提高产品良品率.保质保量是产品生产的最高原则。
Application of BP neural networks in predicting the product yield of HVGO steam cracking 应用BP神经网络预测加氢裂化尾油蒸汽裂解产物收率
The results show that the process uses small amount of LD catalyst, gets higher target product yield and content, thus reduces the cost production. 采用LD催化剂,优化了工艺条件,与使用二甲胺催化剂相比提高了产品含量和收率。
Using self-feeding in solidification can make good surface quality, no shrinkage casting defects of castings; the technology product yield of the casting greatly increases. 利用凝固过程自补缩,可使铸件表面质量好,无缩孔、缩松等铸造缺陷,工艺出品率大大提高。
The results showed that the equilibrium catalyst with smaller particle size coefficient had superior capability for heavy oil conversion, better product distribution and higher goal product yield. 结果表明,粗度系数较小的工业平衡剂,其重油转化能力强,裂化产品分布较好,目的产品收率较高。
The results showed that under the optimum conditions, the product yield was92%. 结果表明,在上述最佳条件下,产物收率可达92%;
The process improvements to improve product yield and bromine utilization, reducing the amount of wastewater generated, thus reducing production costs and improve economic efficiency of enterprises. 该工艺的改进提高了产品收率和溴的利用率,降低了废水产生量,从而降低生产成本,提高企业经济效益。
With the improved technology, the product yield of chlorosulfonation reaction was improved evidently, and that, the amount of waste released was decreased. 改进后,氯磺化的收率明显提高,废弃物排放量减小。
The technology can improve riser design efficiency and accuracy, shorten the design period and ensure the casting quality, and increase casting process product yield. 该技术能提高冒口工艺设计效率与精度,缩短设计周期,保证产品质量,提高工艺出品率。
In this paper, 4-Chlorobenzene-1-carboximidamide Hydrochloride as Reactants, using two different methods of synthesis to optimize the selection of routes and enhance the product yield. 本文通过以对氯苯甲脒盐酸盐为反应物,采用了两种不同合成方法的研究,优化选择路线,提高产物产率。
The predict RMB investment product yield here is only a reference, it won't be the promise of benefit payment to client. 本期人民币理财产品预期收益率仅供客户参考,并不作为齐鲁银行向客户支付理财收益的承诺;
This research was focused on the application of APIO water-solubility chitin fertilizer, to detect if it had effects on product yield improvement of Chinese cabbage and disease control. 对APIO水溶性甲壳质肥提高大白菜产量及抑制大白菜病害效果进行试验。
Effect of technology on Camembert cheese quality and product yield 工艺条件对Camembert干酪品质及得率影响的研究
It not only can increase product yield and quality but also can take beneficial effect on ecological environment, keep agriculture continual development. 其不仅能提高农产品产量和质量,而且对生态环境能起到良好的保护作用,使农业可持续发展。
Animal growth or product yield is the ultimate concern of the agriculturalist. 牲畜的生长或其产品的生产量是农学家最关心的问题。
The effect of catalyst, epichlorohydrin and base on product yield was studied. 研究了催化剂用量、应原料配比及碱用量对产物收率的影响。
Effect of carbonization condition on specific surface area and product yield of rayon-based activated carbon fiber 工艺条件对粘胶基活性碳纤维比表面积与收率的影响
To excute total quality management and keep enhancing product yield rate. 推行全面品保制度,提高产品良品率。
Effect of technology process on cheese quality and product yield 工艺过程对干酪品质及产率的影响
The process was low cost in equipments, short in production time, the product yield was 90.1%. 该工艺设备投资低,生产用时短,产物收率达90.1%。
In this paper preparation method of sodium diacetate was introduced. Many factors of effecting on product yield and quality were discussed. 介绍了双乙酸钠的制备方法,对影响产品收率及质量的诸多因素进行了讨论。
Comparing with a dry process of Artemisia arenaria seed gum production, the product yield and purity are improved greatly with the presented technology. 与目前国内干法生产工艺相比,本文提出的工艺生产的沙蒿胶在得率和纯度上都有了显著的提高。
The use of ethyl acetate as solvent and p-toluene sulfonic acid as a catalyst has increased the reaction rate and the product yield. 本研究采用乙酸乙酯为溶剂,对甲苯磺酸为催化剂,提高了反应速度和产物质量。
The effects of experimental factors on both product yield and purity were analyzed and investigated from the point of view of nitration. 分析了几种试验因素对产品收率和纯度的影响,并从硝化作用的角度对这些影响进行了探讨。
Device mismatch under a given technology limits RF/ analog integrated circuits 'design precision and product yield. 特定工艺条件下的器件失配程度限制了射频/模拟集成电路的设计精度和成品率。
Stability analysis for a good resistance and high yield hybrid-Shaanzi No.1 the product yield was high. 抗逆、高产玉米杂交种陕资1号的稳定性分析结果:用挤出滚圆法制备的杞芪微丸圆整度好,大小均匀,成品收率高。
And the drying technology parameters were optimized. Both microwave drying time and the product yield were selected as optimization indexes. 对干燥工艺参数进行了优化,优化指标为微波干燥时间和产品得率。
Production equipment of asset-intensive enterprises affects the enterprise product yield, quality, cost and other important business sectors. 资产密集型企业的生产设备影响企业产品的产量、质量、成本等多个重要业务环节。
Cost calculation problem to be carried forward between cost center was transformed into issue of steel product yield. 将钢铁成本中心间结转成本计算的问题,转换成求解钢铁产品的成材率问题。
The various Process Variation in Manufacturing challenge the product yield greatly. 生产制造过程中存在的各种工艺参数变异或偏离问题使得成品率不断地受到挑战。